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- Define Sanyam And Swasthya How Are They Related To Be
- Universal Human Values And Professional Ethics Notes
Define Sanyam and Svasthya? How are the two related? I have the feeling of Sanyama for the body and the body has Svasthya, Sanyam is basic to Svasthya. Sanyam is the feeling of responsibility in the self to ensure the nurturing, protection and right utilization of the body. Svasthya has. Mar 4, 2017 - Swasthya is health and Sanyam is peace in ourselves,or u say self-control. See if we will be angry all the time or we will be angry on someone we will effect our health.As when we are angry our blood pressure(BP) increases,our heart rate goes up that will effect our health.
Text from page-25Ans: Our present lifestyle and conditionings are not very conductive to keep thebody fit and therefore it is important to understand sanyama and swasthyacorrectly and maintain proper harmony with the body. As a proposal, we need towork for the following few things1. To understand and live with sanyama.2. To understand the self organization of the body and ensure health of the body.1. Understanding and Living with Sanyama: Sanyama implies that the selftakes the responsibility for proper nurturing, and right utilization of the body.For this it is essential to understand the functioning of the body instrument. It isalso essential to understand that this instrument has a limited life span andundergoes a pattern of growth and decay. The interaction of the self with thebody has to be in consonance with the above objectives which are achievedthrough sanyama.2.
Understanding the self organization of the body and ensure health ofthe body:a. Nurturing of the Body: Proper Food, Air, Water, Etc.: In the process ofselecting food for the body, I need to make out the elements which make acomplete food so that it gives required nutrients and energy to the body. On thebasis of understanding of the harmony of the self with the body, it can be saidthat the food needs to be eaten only when we feel hungry. The choice of the foodhas to be such that it is easily digestible and the food needs to be taken withproper posture of the body and in right quantity.b. Protection of the Body: The second issue is the protection of the body.
Theclothes we choose for protection need to be such that they ensure properinteraction of the body with the environment. The right amount of exposure ofthe body to the air, water, and sun is required to ensure its proper functioning.c.
Define Sanyam And Swasthya How Are They Related To Be
Right Utilization of the Body (Sadupayoga): Right utilization of the body asan instrument necessitates understanding the purpose for which thisinstrument is to be used. Normally, we tend to believe that the body is aninstrument for sensory enjoyment, which is not correct.
We also happen to useour body to exploit other human beings or rest of the nature which is not rightutilization. It is important to realize that the human body is an instrument tofacilitate right understanding and its actualization in life.Q. What is sanyam? How is it necessary in ensuring svasthya?orDefine Sanyam and Swasthya. How are they helpful in keeping harmonybetween self and body.
(UPTU 2011–12). Text from page-26Ans: Sanyama means the feeling of responsibility in the self (I) for nurturing,protection and right utilization of the body. Self-control or sanyama is the control ofthe mind and its desires, urges, emotions and delusions.
It is controlling theoutgoing tendencies of the mind and the senses and bringing them back to our selfwithin. Swasthya is the condition of the body where every part of the body isperforming its expected function. The word swasthya literally means beinganchored to the self, being in close harmony with the self. In other words,swasthya, in Sanskrit means self– dependence (swa = your own). Also, embedded inits meaning are health, sound state, comfort and satisfaction. So we can say thatsanyam ensures swasthya.With right understanding, I get self-organized and take care of the body properly.With lack of right understanding, I am able to do it and the body becomesunhealthy. With right understanding and right feelings, the body gets favorablyaffected.
For example; when I am happy, the temperature and pressure in the bodyare normal, when I am angry or tense, they get upset. It means if I am indisharmony, say in anger or stress or despair, it immediately starts affecting thebody adversely. There are many diseases of the body that are caused due todisharmony in ‘I’.
These are called psychosomatic disease, such as asthma,allergies, migraine, diabetes, hypertension etc. So we can say that sanyam has astrong effect on swasthya.Q. What is the responsibility of the self towards the body? How is it fulfilled?orSuggest any two programs that you can undertake to improve the health ofyour body.orHow does the feeling of sanyam ensure health of the body?
List two programsof sanyam. (UPTU 2010–11)orExplain the relation between the self and the body. What is the responsibilityof the self towards the body? (UPTU 2009-10)orWhat do you mean by Sanyam? How does it ensure harmony with the body?Explain. (UPTU 2011–12)Ans: The self has the responsibility for nurturing, protection and right utilization ofthe body.
For this self has to follow some programs. We need to work to understandthe self organization of the body and ensure health of the body. Text from page-27Nurturing of the Body:Proper Food, Air, Water, Etc.: In the process of selecting food for the body, I needto make out the elements which make a complete food so that it gives requirednutrients and energy to the body. On the basis of understanding of the harmony ofthe self with the body, it can be said that the food needs to be eaten only when wefeel hungry.
The choice of the food has to be such that it is easily digestible and thefood needs to be taken with proper posture of the body and in right quantity.Protection of the Body:The second issue is the protection of the body. The clothes we choose for protectionneed to be such that they ensure proper interaction of the body with theenvironment. The right amount of exposure of the body to the air, water, and sun isrequired to ensure its proper functioning. To ensure the heath of the Body, we needto take care of the following- i) Ahar-Vihar, ii) Shram- Vyayam, iii) Asana-Pranayamand iv) Aushadhi-Chikitsa. We have already discussed about Ahar (Food), let usnow discuss about the others:1) Proper upkeep (Vihar) of the Body: When we work, the Body gets tired.When we take rest, the Body becomes fit to work.
But again, there is a limit tothe amount of work and rest we need. We also need to ensure proper time,posture and ways to work and to rest. We need to provide hygienic conditionsfor proper functioning of the Body. These issues are included in the upkeep ofthe Body.2) Labour: Labour is another requirement. It means employing the bodyphysically for production and maintenance of physical facilities.
Universal Human Values And Professional Ethics Notes
The labour wedo helps each part of the Body to function properly.3) Physical Exercises: We are aware of physical exercises. While doing labour,some parts of the Body may get stressed much while others may not getemployed to that extent. With exercises, we can employ all the parts of the Bodyin the desired way.4) Asan-Pranayam: This is another way to keep the Body function properly.
InAsanas, we give the body proper postures by sitting or lying, and in Pranayam,we ensure reguation of the breathing5) Treatment of the body: When the Body gets hurt, or is in disorder by eithermisuse or because of the adversities of the environment etc., there is a naturaltendency of the Body to heal and come back to its desired state of health. Weonly need to facilitate this process, and not suppress it. Thus, when unpleasantsensations come from the Body indicating disorder, they are to be properlyinterpreted and attended to.